As an individual asking this question or reading this article, there must have been some form of contemplation before deciding to seek help. Many people think that the need for a psychiatrist or to seek care for a mental illness often means the worst in the world. Generally, their initial thought is, “I’m losing my mind, and people will now think that I am strange.” Many people in this situation often do not seek help because they are embarrassed or are not quite sure who to see. The words “Mental Illness” are scary to some individuals due to the type of stigma associated with the term. The negative perception of the need for psychiatric care has created a disadvantage to the general population; however, mental illness is very common. The good news is that the mental health stigmatization is getting less with more social awareness of mental illnesses.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), nearly one in five adults in the United States currently live with a mental illness. Choosing to seek professional help can make a big difference for yourself, your family, close friends, loved ones, or even coworkers. Mental health disorders are common and often treatable. After all, treating depression with medication and therapy is no different from treating Diabetes with medication and exercise. If individuals are diagnosed with a mental health disorder, they will receive the proper care needed just like any other medical condition.
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who has completed medical school and residency in all branches of medicine. A psychiatrist furthers their education with special training in psychiatry by learning how to assess mental illnesses and treating mental health disorders with medicine. A psychiatrist can conduct psychotherapy and prescribe medications and other medical treatments.
The need for psychiatric care is usually necessary if one has been:
While this is not an all-inclusive list, most individuals would have had some of these symptoms when a psychiatrist is assessing them. Mindset Behavioral Clinic provides a thorough evaluation, medication management, patient education, and a holistic approach towards treatment plan development. Here at Mindset Behavioral Clinic, you are guaranteed to be a part of your own treatment decision-making process.